Cloud Labs
A massive demand for expertise in the cloud ecosystem will result in 1.000,000 computing job by 2022. The cloud market is expected to grow at a 13.9% CAGR to 18.07 billion dollars nu 2027. To keep up with the growing cloud capability, Xebia Academy offers cloud labs in consortium with top cloud providers such as AWS and Azure to empower learning and capacity building through cutting-edge technology experiences.
The cloud labs offer an interactive and illustrative way to learn to perform consistently and responsibility.

XCoder is a challenge driven platform that can be used for running both Coding / Non-Coding courses supported by the rich integrated assessment model to actuate Learn-By- Doing approach. The platform can be employed for Full stack Development based Exercises and can be a code playground. The learners have access to our Standard Self-paced course related to the curriculum that include reference reading materials, Video Contents, Practice Exercises, Quizzes and Assessments.
The platform capability of the challenge driven includes:
Project Based Learning
AI Proctor and Evaluation
Adaptive Mentorship
Gamification based progress Tracking
Content Integratio
Personalised Learning Journeys
Skill Assessments with Auto Evaluation
Advanced Analytics & Reporting Capability
Career Path

Reporting and Management
We employ effective reporting and management system that gives the learner a high-level overview of the course activity status that is shared with all stakeholders, and team members. The automated and manual reporting provide key metrics for measuring digital learning and evaluating learners’ journey. The reports, in essence, assist you in monitoring what is happening with the training process, what it means, and what you can do to improve results.
In other words, it reflects whether the efforts are yielding results and how much is to be traced to reach the required goal.

Mentoring & Coaching
The students can connect, learn, and grow with the organizational and training setup along their own career paths through coaching and mentoring that is a rigorously adopted process of Digital Ninja Program. Coaching and mentoring are learning tools that can lead to talent nurture and empowerment. Each learner is associated with a mentor who guides and coach the students through the learning journey and is available for any queries, maintaining a track report of learner growth and performance. These essential learning tools serve as an excellent mechanism for skill development, knowledge sharing, and experience sharing. As part of the program, students have access to renowned technology coaches who will assist them in successfully navigating their career path